Wednesday, May 19, 2010


In a perfect world, women would pursue men as readily as men pursue women.

Alas, ours is not a perfect world. We live in a world where men pursue women, and women decide whom to accept as mates.

There are exceptions to this rule, great looking guys get hit on all the time, guys who are irresponsible get hit on as they don't have the weight of the world on their shoulders from bills, work, etc. Jerks get lots of girls as many women mistake boisterousness and self absorption for character and self confidence. In short, nice guys often finish last. Not always, but far too often.

I have never seen a beautiful man yet, most men are simply average to my eye. It is for these average but hard working and decent guys that ROMANTISCRIBE was created.

If you are an average guy you probably have played the numbers game on the net when trying to find women. You "shotgun" out a giant hunk of interest signals, and then wait to see who is interested in you also. Then you write emails to the interested women and try to make a go of it.

Perhaps you have taken the time to write "personal" or "custom" introduction letters to the women that interest you.

Either approach takes hour and hours and hours to accomplish. You will just about experience carpal tunnel syndrome before you have gotten your first "real date".

Your emotional neediness will likely show through the emails you send and you will drive off women that otherwise would have loved and become attached to you.

If you have been very efficient or very lucky, you may find yourself with an entire inbox full of women who are now interested in beginning an email relationship with you.

Unless you are unemployed, you will now experience a phenomenon I call BREAKAGE. Breakage occurs when you have an inbox full of women who are at least somewhat interested in you and YOU ARE TOO BUSY OR DISORGANIZED TO PURSUE THEM via email until they are ready to give you their phone number and ultimately give you a first date. This is Breakage fellas, and it is a shame. It is a shame that you practically went blind and crazy getting these women to be interested in you and you are simply not able to pursue each of them to get their phone numbers and win a date. It is a shame to have the opportunity to be happy with a suitable companion and to just miss the goal by inches, because you are too tired and burned out to complete the time consuming process of building an Internet relationship until it blossoms into a telephone relationship.

You should ultimately ask yourself, do I deserve a woman in my life that is :
Caring, Warm, Alive, Attractive, Charming, Generative, and based in REALITY and not living only on the pages of the net, the pages of a dirty magazine, or only in your dreams when you fall asleep by yourself. You need to decide if you deserve a woman or not.

You have come this far, now read the next article to find out specifically WHAT WE DO AT ROMANTISCRIBE.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Sex, Love, Intimacy and Breakage

Dear Readers,

Thank you for taking the time to explore our ideas here at ROMATISCRIBE.

Humans want things, we want sex, intimacy, love and tribal attachments. We also want physical things such as food, shelter and toys.

Often times our quest for the basic items on Maslow's list engrosses our time so much we are not able to find the items at higher levels of the human needs pyramid.

Every man wants love and intimacy and family, whether he admits this to himself or others is another question, but deep down he wants all three.

In our modern age of 50-80 hour work weeks it is just about impossible to put as much energy into finding a partner/wife/mate as we need to ensure timely success.

The modern advent of the Internet and iterate dating opportunities has increased dating opportunities, but also complicated matters.

ROMANTISCRIBE helps you to maximize your energy into relationships that help build your chances of actually finding an appropriate love interest and decrease time wasted plinking and dinking away at a computer keyboard in the darkest hours of the night.

(see the next posting to learn about BREAKAGE)